Saturday, October 2, 2010

New Life

Everytime i log on....its been awhile since ive last written. i should probably log on more anyway heres an update.....Marriage is going well. its alot more difficult than i first thought but not as hard as everyone said it would be. the hardest part for me is getting used to being around some one All the time. I mean 24/7....nonstop.....when you wake up.....when you go to sleep....every minute. This was hard for me because im used to being alone and at times i like the sound of silence. There is nothing wrong with needed a few hours to your self each day to unwind.....think or do whatever you want without someone else being there. In fact, i think every one should have at least an hour alone each day. But honestly i love my husband......he keeps me sane in alot of ways and i like to think i do the same for him. We have more challenges than other relationships though because he isnt a US citizen...... he's Jamaican, at times it gets frustrating but most of the time we handle it pretty well. Im enjoying learning about his culture as well. Im starting to understand some of their slang and have even tried some of the food. He recently introduced me to ackee and codfish.....lets just say it was a unique experience. I havent met his family yet. Ive spoken with them on numerous occassions but im so anxious to meet them.

Getting married put a hold a few things that i wanted to do. the stress of going to school, working, modeling and planning a wedding almost drove me crazy. And to top it off i didnt get any rest after the wedding. i started a new job two days after i got married. hopefully one day i will get that honeymoon to Jamaice that i deserve. ive finally started back modeling and doing some things i enjoy......i didnt realize how much i missed it until i stopped. Its a way for me to express all this creativityi have trapped inside. But im sad to say that my good friend Christopher Bell moved back to Atl. it was a good move for him......something he needed to do to continue to grow. i took it pretty hard......felt like he was taking my dream with him. i soon realized that i have to find away to continue to make my dream prosper just as he did. his work is and always be an inspiration to me. he opened my eyes to a whole new world in Mississippi and for that i am eternally grateful. Its amazing how one person can affect your life.

seems like ive been rambling forever.....just had to clear my mind. hopefully it won't take months for me to write again. Later days......

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Life is confusing. but i guess that's what keeps us going. the hope that maybe one day things won't be as confusing and that we will finally get some sort of grasp on how to not only live but live life fully. Lately ive been struggling with somethings in my life. as you may have read in an earlier blog i am in a relationship. that relationship recently turned into an engagement. yeah, yeah i know. im 23, getting married isnt something most people would want to do at this age but honestly i think it is what's best for me. alot of people have opinions and i listen and take heed to everything that is being said but in the end the decision is mine. and i have decided that on june 5 of this year i will be MARRIED!!! yay!! hug kisses love and all that over gushy ish.

but wait. whats going to happen with my dream. modeling. ummmmm......ive ran this quesiton through my head over and over and it frightens me to think that i would have to put modeling on hold or stop completely because im getting married. i would like to believe that i will be able to continue my dream full force. just not at this particular moment. i mean i have alot to do: plan a wedding, keep up with school, work and over insignificant but equally important things. i feel that im out growing alot of things that used to excite me but i guess that comes with maturity(getting old lol). i know that things are not going to be easy because they never are, im just happy that i won't have to go through life alone anymore.